Green Spaces



Green Spaces

At Terra SG, we believe that the stories about sustainability can exist in every space. Our Green Spaces selection brings to life the various spaces and transforms them into spaces for sustainability, reinforcing the important environmental concepts in alignment to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and SG Green Plan 2030.

We unite people to rethink possibilities and create positive social & environmental changes to the world we live in. In the transformation of spaces, Terra SG uses sustainable resources and upcycled elements to create refreshing concepts.



Sustainable Installation

When it comes to environmental pollution, more than 8 million tonnes of plastic waste enter our oceans every year. Too often these numbers roll over people like a wave, only to bring about a sense of helplessness.

Art & aesthetics help people to overcome the gap between problem and action. These sustainable art installations are a medium for a powerful message, a visual reminder of the impact of waste on our survival. This way, we use art as a powerful creative tool for education and social activism.

Our artistic installations:
- Highlight the mounting pressure of waste pandemic
- Raise awareness of the over-abundance of garbage
- Inspire action to stop pollution
- Stimulate conversations about sustainability
- Spark positive changes in consumer habits


Upcycled Elements

We rethink the possibilities of perceived waste, transforming these items into useful and functional pieces. Some examples include transforming disused pallet wood into tables, shelves, and planters, and disused tyres into seats and shelves amongst others.

Specialising in the redesigning of spaces in schools such as under stairwells, walkways and neglected corners, Terra SG brings these spaces to life, using sustainable resources and instilling upcycling design elements to create a green space fit for myriad purposes.


Urban Farming Education

Singapore currently imports more than 90% of our food from more than 170 countries and regions. Despite our strategy to diversify our food import sources, we are still vulnerable to evolving trends, pollution growth, increased global demands & the effects of climate change on food supply.

To strengthen Singapore’s food security and resilience, our nation aims to produce 30% of our food supply by 2030. Growing local is one of the ways to buffer supply in event of overseas supply disruptions.

Schools, communities & corporations can do their part in promoting urban farming, food growing education and set up farming initiatives & programmes. Work with us to be a part of the Sustainable Singapore movement and achieve 30 by 30 by securing our food sources and making Singapore more resilient.


Sustainable Education Wall

Sustainability has always been integral to the Singapore Story. Thanks to our pioneers, we were green even before it was fashionable. Our journey towards sustainability started in the 1960s before environmental issues became a global concern. We marched on and made bold strategic plans towards 2030. The Sustainable Singapore Story lays out our progress and envision our journey towards 2030.

Over the years, Sustainability has taken on a monumental significance. Everyone has an important part to play if we are to succeed and realise our vision for A Liveable and Endearing Home, A Vibrant and Sustainable City, and An Active and Gracious Community.



Project highlights


DBS Better World Cafe

Oasis Primary School

Nee Soon Town Council Green Library


RQAM Marina Bay Link Mall

M.Y. World Preschool

Jing Shan Primary School


Capitaland Plaza Singapura

CHIJ St. Joseph Convent

DBS Circularity Project