Digital Events & Engagements



Let’s Create a New Online
Sustainability Experience Together!


As the Covid-19 situation develops in Singapore, our lives have undoubtedly been disrupted. We have adjusted to working from home. Our quality time is now spent on virtual conversations with our loved ones. In-person events have been cancelled or postponed temporarily to enable safe distancing and protect lives. As we adjust to this new normal, meaningful engagements with sustainability should not come to a halt. 

Terra SG has developed a range of online sustainability events and engagements. Whether you are looking to educate your audience about sustainability, involve them in a workshop conducted online or curate activities for a meaningful digital team building session, our new online sustainability events and experiences will make it possible.

Let’s go digital.

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Here are some organisations that have trusted us with their digital sustainability programmes:


(as of 20 Jan 2023)


People Reached Through Online Events


Customised Video Learning Series


Digital & Live Online Events


Organisations On Board for Digital Programmes



Resources Ready at Your Fingertips
Our digital programmes provide audiences with information at their fingertips. They simply need to tap on our programmes on their devices to explore the world of sustainability.

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New Audiences Now Within Your Reach
Our audiences can access our digital programmes from anywhere. This opens up our programmes to a brand new audience who may be unfamiliar with upcycling and environmental change.


Building a Positive Online Brand Image

Going online can generate positive buzz for the sustainability efforts of your organisation on the internet

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Budget Friendly

Our digital programmes do not require a physical venue and will need fewer facilitators to conduct. This allows our digital programmes to be more economically priced.



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Terra SG’s Online Sustainability Programmes were developed to provide our partners with an alternative to conventional methods of sustainability outreach to their audiences.

Through rapid technological innovation, we are now able to offer programmes that are similar to those conducted in-person using digital mediums such as video conferencing, video production, social media campaigns and more. Some of our upcycling workshops now use common materials that can be found in any home, such as old T-shirts. Participants can join in a live video workshop and ask the facilitator questions as they go along.

For more interesting projects, the Terra SG team has assembled specially curated DIY Learning Kits that can be delivered to participants prior to the workshop. This is especially useful for students who may not be able to source for materials by themselves.

At Terra SG, we truly believe that sustainability education and outreach should not falter in the face of disruption to our everyday lives. Our team, programmes and events have adapted to fit this new landscape of engagement and interaction. Will you take the next step together with us?